This is an ongoing effort to support and assess our current missions commitments, and find the most appropriate mission opportunities here in our community, elsewhere in the U.S. and overseas.
Responsibilities include:
Communication with all of our foreign and domestic missionaries, and keep the congregation regularly informed of progress and needs.
To provide support and accountability for missionaries to ensure that each ministry is effective for Christ and making wise use of funds and other resources
To find and communicate opportunities for mission work for the North Central Family and help members and ministries plug into those opportunities
Responsibilities include:
Communication with all of our foreign and domestic missionaries, and keep the congregation regularly informed of progress and needs.
To provide support and accountability for missionaries to ensure that each ministry is effective for Christ and making wise use of funds and other resources
To find and communicate opportunities for mission work for the North Central Family and help members and ministries plug into those opportunities
The North Central Benevolence Ministry works with the office staff to provide assistance in emergency situations and circumstances. This ministry also actively seeks out pressing benevolence and service opportunities within the Body for members, life groups and other ministry teams to address. They also work closely with the Evangelism Team to identify and follow up with needy people who may be seeking God. This team is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for emergency needs in the Body, when assistance is needed.