How it all started...
The Churches of Christ are part of the Christian community of churches who seek to follow the Bible. In 1825, some of the early theologian traveling preachers visited the Bloomington Church of Christ. The church had been meeting together for about 5 years prior to this time. We mark this as the beginning of the North Central Church of Christ, as it is now known. Meetings were held in the basement of the Monroe County Courthouse. A lot was purchased on 5th Street (now Kirkwood Ave.), in May 1826.
The church grew, and by 1911 a building was constructed at 4th and Lincoln Street, in Bloomington. In March 1967, the current sight at 2121North Dunn Street, became the congregational North Central Church of Christ.

Where we are at...
When you drive up the our campus it feels like you are still part of the
enormous, state of the art and very vibrant Indiana University campus.
Our campus is located adjacent to the IU campus, Memorial Stadium and Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall. This creates a unique visibility that is second to none in the city of Bloomington!
At North Central we want to help people follow Jesus by Connecting together, Growing together and Serving together. We do this through our worship, classes, groups, ministries and missions.
Where we are headed...
The people who gather at North Central are kind and family focused. Yet they are also very much wanting to be led into a season where they reach people; those who are seeking direction in their faith and those committed to growing deeper and wider as a church community.
North Central strives to continue our mission of helping people follow Jesus. We are very excited about our future and what God has in store for us and the work that is being done in our community.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10am