What to Expect when I Visit
People with a variety of backgrounds attend North Central, though our Sunday mornings are typically more casual when it comes to dress and atmosphere. We don’t ask guests to stand, introduce themselves or do anything else that might make you uncomfortable. Hopefully we will make you feel welcome and connected. Be sure to stop by our welcome center if you need help or information.
What is Worship like at North Central?
Our worship is fairly simple and designed to keep the focus on God, not ourselves. One of the first things visitors sometimes notice is that we do not have a choir or musical instruments. Though we do not condemn those who choose to use instruments in their worship services, we value the a cappella tradition and see it as a way in which we can imitate the worship of the early church. We pray, sing, read from Scripture, give financially and take communion every week. If you are a follower of Jesus, we invite you to partake of the Lord's Supper with us! As a guest, you will never be expected to give financially. However, if you would like, you can fill out a visitor's card and drop it in the offering basket when it is passed so that we can have the opportunity to follow up with you and let you know a little more about our church and our vision.
Sunday Morning at North Central
On Sunday morning we have Bible classes for all ages at 11:00 a.m. We believe the Bible is God’s word, so this time of reading, discussion and study is important to us. Ask anyone to help you find children and youth classes.
10:00 a.m. in the Main Auditorium.
Nursery: Ages 0 – 3yrs old (Room 3A)
Faith Factory: 4yr old - 5th Grade -District 649
Wednesday mornings we also have Bible class at 11 a.m., which is part of our "Rooted" ministry.
Nursery: Ages 0 – 3yrs old (Room 3A)
Faith Factory: 4yr old - 5th Grade -District 649
Wednesday mornings we also have Bible class at 11 a.m., which is part of our "Rooted" ministry.